20. 12. 2023

ELTRA, s.r.o.: subcontractor for traction lines and high-current equipment

Realization: 08/2020 – 12/2023

Brief description:

The purpose of the construction is to modernize the technical infrastructure of the rialway track that is part of the TEN-T network and the European railway corridor no. Va to achieve parameters set by European Union/European Community legislation (e.g. technical specifications for interoperability), European standards, legislation and standards of the Slovak Republic and AGC and AGTC agreements. The main task is to enable better accessibility to the Trans-European transport network and to the transport network of neighboring countries.

The modernization of the subject line of the railway network consists of the reconstruction of the existing railway transport route for the purpose of increasing its technical equipment and usability by incorporating the most modern and progressive elements and thus improving the quality and improvement of its technical parameters and indicators as a whole. By building a modern railway line, the comfort and smoothness of driving will be increased and thus ultimately the negative effects of traffic on the surrounding environment will be reduced, which will also be eliminated by other technical measures.

The modernization is divided into integrated parts of the building (hereinafter referred to as "UCS"):

  • UČS 401 Track section Poprad - Svit
  • UČS 402 ŽST Svit
  • UČS 403 Track section Svit - Štrba