04. 09. 2023

ELTRA, s.r.o.: subcontractor for traction lines and high-current equipment

Realization: 08/2022 – 08/2023

Brief description:

The content of the construction is a comprehensive reconstruction of tracks No. 1 and No. 2 in the section of the Nové Zámky - Palárikovo line, platforms at the Ľudovítov stop and related infrastructure. 2.3. The purpose of the construction is to achieve the necessary technical and operational parameters: - the track speed will increase to 140 km/h.

The aim of the construction is to achieve a standard condition and improve the safety and smoothness of railway transport, reduce costs for maintenance of the railway top and bottom, and achieve a higher quality standard of passenger transport.

As part of the construction, the reconstruction of TV and tracks, the reconstruction of the Ľudovítov stop (platforms, passenger areas, outdoor lighting), the reconstruction of the railway crossing in žkm 139.083 (PZZ and crossing construction) will be solved.

In the entire section, the removal of overgrown vegetation threatening traffic safety will also be addressed.